Study, Work, Live in United Kingdom

The United Kingdom is a state made up of the historic countries of England, Wales and Scotland, as well as Northern Ireland. It is known as the home of both modern parliamentary democracy and the Industrial Revolution.

Rough Budget

The UK isn’t one of the cheapest European countries to travel around but it is possible to budget for as low as £50 ($65) per day, providing that you stay in a hostel, self-cater for the majority of the time, and use public transport. You will find that accommodation and transport will take a chunk out of your budget so plan accordingly and prioritize!

For a guide to different types of travel, here is a rough break down of costs:


Budget: £15-30 ($20-40) Mid-Range: £40-100 ($50-130) Splurge: £130+ ($170+)


Cafes/Pub Lunch: £7-11 ($10-15) Restaurant: £10-20 ($13-26) Very nice restaurant: £25+($33+)


Bus: £4-10 ($5-13) short distance / £15-30 ($20-40) long distance Train: £10-60 ($13-80) Car rental: from £35 ($45) per day

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What to Pack for Traveling the UK

Like the rest of Europe, you will need a variety of clothes to suit all weather conditions when you visit the UK. No matter the season, make sure to pack a few of both types of clothing to be prepared for both rain and sun, and always pack things that you can layer if you’re cold.

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